Visited conferences

This page gives an overview of the conferences, workshops, and summer schools I have visited together with the travel carbon footprint. The accomodation I used is also listed, but not included in the carbon footprint. The calculation is based on averages from Our World in Data.

For biking, I counted 30 g CO2 / km as a rough estimate based on my diet. Flights shorter than 500km are counted as 'domestic' (255 g / km), otherwise they are counted as short/long-haul (averaged on 153 g / km). Trains in the Netherlands probably emit less than the estimate from Our World in Data because the NS runs on wind energy.

The carbon footprint per capita of the Netherlands was 9.66 t in 2017 (26,448 g / day), according to Our World in Data. The global average was 4.79 t in 2016 (13,114 g / day), according to Worldometer.

Transport, aviation, and shipping make up 34% of emissions in the Netherlands. For the average Dutch person this is 3.28 t per year or 8,992 g per day (but note that this includes more than personal travel). Worldwide, we have 16.2% of emissions from transport, which makes this figure 0.78 t per year or 2,125 g per day per capita.

Please let me know if you think some of the calculations can be improved!

YearMonthLocationTravel modesCarbon footprint (g CO2)AccomodationTitle
20252 conferences over 3 days, for a total of 5,904 g CO2 (0% of the yearly Dutch average), averaging 1,968 g CO2 / day.
FebOnline00 / dayIcoSem3
JanUtrecht (59km)5,9045,904 / dayGTD 2025
20242 conferences over 3 days, for a total of 5,904 g CO2 (0% of the yearly Dutch average), averaging 1,968 g CO2 / day.
OctOnline00 / dayPuzzles of Agreement
FebUtrecht (59km)5,9045,904 / dayGTD 2024
20233 conferences over 17 days, for a total of 198,768 g CO2 (6% of the yearly Dutch average), averaging 11,692 g CO2 / day.
OctNice (1,100km)90,20030,067 / daySPE12/OASIS3
OctBrussels (174km)14,2687,134 / dayBCGL16
JulLeiden (100km)94,3007,858 / daySummer School in Languages and Linguistics
20224 conferences over 13 days, for a total of 2,950,388 g CO2 (90% of the yearly Dutch average), averaging 226,953 g CO2 / day.
DecTilburg (62km)11,1525,576 / dayCogLing Days 9
NovDenver (7,840km)2,379,662594,916 / daySBL2022
AugBucharest (1,700km)559,574139,894 / daySLE2022
JanOnline00 / dayAIL2
20211 conference over 29 days, for a total of 0 g CO2 (0% of the yearly Dutch average), averaging 0 g CO2 / day.
Oct–NovOnline00 / dayETT
20204 conferences over 16 days, for a total of 8,200 g CO2 (0% of the yearly Dutch average), averaging 513 g CO2 / day.
Nov–DecOnline00 / daySBL Annual
OctOnline00 / daySyntax Workshop
MarOnline00 / day#SemiticsTwitterCoronaConference
JanAmsterdam (88km)8,2008,200 / dayNL-FP Day
20192 conferences over 5 days, for a total of 31,804 g CO2 (1% of the yearly Dutch average), averaging 6,361 g CO2 / day.
OctUtrecht (59km)5,9042,952 / dayCLSoR
JulCambridge (393km)25,9008,633 / dayBHLAP
20182 conferences over 2 days, for a total of 5,002 g CO2 (0% of the yearly Dutch average), averaging 2,501 g CO2 / day.
JanNijmegen00 / dayCLIN
JanApeldoorn (41km)5,0025,002 / dayNL-FP Day
20172 conferences over 13 days, for a total of 64,780 g CO2 (2% of the yearly Dutch average), averaging 4,983 g CO2 / day.
JulLeiden (61km)61,5005,125 / daySummer School in Languages and Linguistics
JanNijmegen (45km)3,2803,280 / dayNL-FP Day